The Boston Globe recently sat down with NBA star Shaquille O’Neal and his girlfriend Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander to get the juicy scoop on their relationship and new reality show.
Check out a few excerpts below from the interview.
How did Shaq and Hoopz meet?
Hoopz had met Shaq a few times, through the Hollywood scene, but hadn’t thought about him much, at least not in a romantic way. It wasn’t until last summer that she was reintroduced to him through a friend. Alexander was visiting her photographer pal, Christopher “Yella’’ Hawkins, in St. Louis, and saw an autographed picture of Shaq on his wall. She told Yella that she had met Shaq and thought he was cool. Yella texted O’Neal that Alexander had said hello. Almost immediately, O’Neal texted Yella back, asking if Hoopz had a boyfriend. Shaq was divorced at that point and was ready for a new relationship. Within a month, Alexander and O’Neal had lined up a dinner date in Las Vegas. She was in town for her birthday; he was there to tape his show, “Shaq Vs.’’
Are they getting married?
There have been reports of proposals, but neither O’Neal nor Alexander will confirm that they have any specific marriage plans.
“We have plans on . . . someday,’’ Hoopz said, smiling.
Shaq offered this: “She’s not going anywhere, and I’m not going anywhere.’’
“She’s my first female best friend,’’ Shaq said, “besides my mother.’’
The details on the new reality show:
The reality show will have cameras following Hoopz life in the suburbs and her foray into the athletic-training business. She wants to become a guru for women’s health and self-defense. She’s already meeting with her production team and concocting episodes. She’ll be able to offer plenty of good reality, between the glittery events she and Shaq attend, their suburban life in Sudbury, their penchant for playing games and just goofing around.